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Hair Loss Treatment

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Anti Hair Fall Treatment – Mesotherapy

Hair loss has been the main cause of depression for both men and women in the recent age.

There are many factors that could influence hair fall: Possible causes could be pregnancy, child birth, birth control pills, menopause, thyroid problems, alopecia, medications, stress, hair style, etc.

Mesotherapy is a baldness treatment alternative that allows both men and women with hair regrowth. It can also delay male pattern baldness.

The Procedure

Using a specialized cocktail, your scalp is essentially given a vitamin boost which can improve the blood circulation in this area. Better circulation allows your hair follicles to be better nourished…all of which can improve hair re-growth.

With mesotherapy, treatment for hair loss will likely be done via injection gun as opposed to the mesotherapist injecting by hand. This helps to make mesotherapy treatment for hair loss faster as well as potentially less painful.

Over time, the mesotherapy solution will neutralize the DHT hormone, causing hair to grow again.

You may need as many as five sessions of this mesotherapy treatment for hair loss over a period of four to six months before you see significant results. Your mesotherapist will let you know if your particular case requires more or less treatment.

After 3-4 treatments the results are visible – Improved blood circulation to the scalp stimulates hair growth. The structure of the hair is improved, it is more flexible, stronger and glossier.

Change in diet and lifestyle could be the best answer in treating the hair fall. There has been a lot of advances in treating hair fall in recent past.

Everyone deserves to look their best.

So do take the first step in making that major change with your body today.

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