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Body Sculpting/Vaser Liposuction

Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure directed towards removing excess fat deposits in various places in the body. The commonly involved regions where liposuction is performed are Abdomen, Flanks, Back, Thighs, Hips, Buttocks, Arms, Chin, Cheek and Calfs. This cannot be done as a weight reducing procedure, but it is an alternative for those patients who are following a good diet, good exercise and have not been getting rid of their fat deposits.

Body sculpting is an innovative procedure which delivers great results and is totally non-invasive. It is particularly popular with those who are looking to refine and sculpt their figures without having to go under the surgeon’s knife, allowing them to quickly return to their daily activities.

The procedure involves the localised freezing of fat cells. The clinician uses small applicators with vacuums attached, allowing them to suck the fatty tissues into an application cup, where they are frozen and crystalized. The fat cells are then removed from the body via the natural elimination process, so you can expect the overall effects to show a couple of weeks later.

There are many reasons our patients choose Body Sculpting. These include:

  • To obtain a streamlined, more athletic silhouette
  • To remove unwanted fat
  • To smooth away lumps and bumps
  • To improve tone
  • To kick start a fitness regime
  • To gain a more youthful, healthy appearance
  • To get fast results without going under the knife

Know more about The VASER 3D System

Turn your work into a work of art with the VASER 3D System—only from Sound Surgical Technologies. VASER’s third-generation ultrasound technology enables the kind of accurate body sculpting that you and your patients demand.

As the industry’s only tissue-selective device designed to emulsify fat cells while conserving other tissues, VASER 3D provides physicians the tool to effectively treat all types of fatty tissue with minimal surgeon effort and fast patient recovery. With this new level of versatility, you can perform a wide range of body contouring applications — from significant fat reduction to precise sculpting on all areas of the body.

How it works

The VASER 3D System uses small-diameter, solid, multi-ringed probes to deliver a minimal level of ultrasonic vibrating energy to specifically target and emulsify—or “liquefy”—the fatty component of the tissue matrix. Fatty tissue is comprised of large, weak fat cells that either lyse or which are dislodged from their supporting tissues by contact with the ultrasonic VASER 3D probe. With proper surgical technique, this process does not generate heat.

By emulsifying the fatty tissue prior to extraction, aspiration can be performed with less avulsion (less tearing of the tissues). The VASER 3D procedure does not utilize standard suction assisted Liposuction to remove the emulsified tissues and fluids. Instead, specially designed aspiration cannulae, called VentX® Cannulae, are used to efficiently remove the emulsified fluids while preserving the tissue matrix.

  • The fatty layer is infused with tumescent fluid.
  • The high frequency vibration of VASER 3D ultrasonic probes causes the fat cells to break apart and emulsify into the infusion fluid.
  • Emulsified fat is easily removed via specially designed VentX Suction Cannulae or massage.
  • Remodeling and revascularization of the preserved tissue promotes skin retraction.

What makes the VASER 3D System different?

Small-diameter, solid grooved probes – Deliver the optimal amount of ultrasonic vibrating energy to specifically target and emulsify fatty tissue.
Pulsed delivery of the ultrasonic vibratory energy – Reduces the amount of energy delivered to the tissue by as much as 50% compared to the first and second generations of internal ultrasound-assisted Lipoplasty.

Emulsification of the fatty tissue prior to extraction – Reduces damage to tissue matrix when performing aspiration for fast patient recovery and reduced physician fatigue.

What body regions can be treated with VASER 3D?

VASER 3D can be a great adjunct to traditional liposuction procedures and it is ideal for treating small areas of the face, neck, arms, knees, back, bra strap, mons pubis, breasts (gynecomastia),and areas of loose and flabby skin (post bariatric surgery weight loss).

Is VASER 3D Right for You?

Almost anyone can be a good candidate for VASER. In general, the ideal candidate: (1) is in good health, exercises regularly, whose BMI is less than 35; (2) has one or more areas of local body fat deposits that have responded poorly to diet and exercise; and (3) is bothered by these fatty areas, and is motivated to get rid of them permanently.

Your doctor will review the benefits and risks of VASER with you during your consultation visit. He will assess whether you are a good candidate with respect to your medical health, and he will clarify what VASER could do for you.

Generally, VASER might be right for you if you don’t have a lot of time to spend in recovery. VASER 3D patients are typically back to work within 1-2 days following the procedure. Bandages are removed 1-2 weeks after that.

VASER 3D is safer than traditional liposuction because there is less bleeding and tissue damage. Under tumescent technique for smaller areas, and general anesthesia for larger areas is safer with recent anesthetic drugs and tools.

We offer fat loss, non surgical inch loss, cellulite treatments using various modalities like Mesotherapy, Endermologie Lipo massage, vacuum rolling to fat freezing technique called cool sculpting.

Everyone deserves to look their best.

So do take the first step in making that major change with your body today.

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